By Matthew Kwan, Co-Editor-in-Chief

The first time I watched “It’s a Wonderful
Life,” I felt anxious seeing George Bailey
running away from his family after losing
$8,000 dollars. Moments later I was filled
with joy watching Bailey rejoin his family
after having restored his hope for the future
with the help of his guardian angel.
I think I speak on behalf of everyone
who’s endured 2020 that our current world
is similar to an overburdened Bailey, and hope seems far out of sight. Within the
past nine months any sense of normalcy in our lives was stripped as the pandemic
and social injustice wreaked havoc on our world. There’s no sugarcoating it, 2020
really sucks.
But if “It’s a Wonderful Life” taught me anything, it’s that maintaining hope for
the future is the best thing we can do through these difficult times. It’s easy for us
to stay mopey every day looking at the news and being separated from friends, but
choosing to be gloomy isn’t going to change anything aside from inhibiting our
pursuit for happiness. No matter how discouraging each day can be, tomorrow provides
another chance of change—an opportunity for normalcy to re-enter our lives.
The hope for a better tomorrow might not sound like much, but it can help keep us
motivated to maintain a healthy spirit during the darkest of days.
If we look from a different perspective, we have a lot to look forward to in 2021.
With the distribution of a new COVID-19 vaccine around the world, we can hope
to see infection rates decline and begin to see our friends again. The vaccine is also
providing opportunities for social change as local governments across the country
work to distribute it equally to all communities, a step towards equality in the future.
I’m no guardian angel, and I know my advice sounds cheesy. But I hope that I’ve
helped encourage you to maintain hope in a better future. I’m choosing to remain
optimistic, and I hope you do too.