TCHS MUN attends mock conference



The TCHS Model United Nations club, MUN for short, traveled to and from the University of California Los Angeles to attend their annual BruinMUN event, which took place between Nov. 3-4.
BruinMUN receives over one thousand high school MUN students each year. Students participated in various simulations, similar to situations encountered by United Nations committees, and together, the students strive to solve universal issues by working cooperatively to form solutions.
Temple City sent a total of 23 delegates to the conference. Junior Vania Cheung participated in the Novice Aztec World committee and represented Fernando de Alva Cortes. Cheung earned the title of “Outstanding Delegate” for his work. Seniors Alex Wang and Ulysses Rios won the Research Award for Switzerland.
“I’m sure that everyone learned about MUN and about each other,” TCHS MUN Co-President Justin Chai said. “But we also learned a lot about important topics that matter and are relevant to the world and our lives.”