Thanksgiving celebrates being thankful for what you have, but the truth is that not everyone has a place to go or people to spend it with.
As this season of Thanksgiving arrives, be sure to give back to those in greater need.
One of the easiest ways to give back is to donate goods to the canned food drive on campus, or at elementary schools such as Cloverly, Longden and La Rosa.
All schools give donated goods to struggling families in the community.
TCHS will start collecting canned food on Nov. 6 to Nov. 15. This year, donations will be given to St. Luke’s food pantry.
ASBL will reward the 4th period class with the total most donated cans with a pizza party.
For elementary schools, both Cloverly Elementary School and Longden Elementary will be having their annual canned food drive from Nov. 13 to Nov. 17.
At Longden, donors can drop off canned foods in the morning and afternoon to their driveway on Wendon Street and Longden Avenue. Meanwhile, La Rosa Elementary’s PTA organized their annual blanket drive which is from Nov. 1 until Nov. 15.
Donors with blankets may help out by dropping off their donations during regular school hours.
People with unwanted clothing or household items can also give back by donating to Saver’s Community Donation Center located at 16 East Live Oak Ave.
Saver’s is open from 9 a.m to 9 p.m on Monday to Saturday, and from 10 a.m to 8 p.m on Sunday.
“A few years ago, TCHS’s motto of the year was ‘be the change you want to see in the world,’ from a quote by Mahatma Gandhi,” English teacher Ms. Vanessa Hadikusumah said. “I think it is important not only to believe in change, hope and social progress, but also to live it.”
Giving back to those in need is a prominent lesson this season, and ordinary people like Ms. Hadikusumah find ways to help out people struggling in their lives.
In Ms. Hadikusumah’s case, she has been helping out the homeless in the San Gabriel Valley for five years.
On Sunday mornings at the Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene, she prepares items such as breakfast burritos, chili, grits, fruit, donuts, coffee and juice.
Ms. Hadikusumah and her team takes any unfinished foods or drinks to the homeless in Central Park to help them as well as prevent food from wasting.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, there are many local opportunities to give back to your community.