By Kayla Phan
Staff Writer
FBLA earned fifth place in sweepstakes at the Gold Coast Section Leadership Conference, at Westlake High School on Feb. 8. Competing against 15 other schools in the region, the team demonstrated their business skills and dedication. Over 30 club members placed in the top 10 of their individual events,
which ranged from multiple choice tests to speeches and presentations. 26 students qualified to compete at the state level.
FBLA, or Future Business Leaders of America, is the largest business career and technical student organization in the world. It aims to provide students with opportunities to develop leadership, communication and professional skills. The club meets on Mondays in Room 407 where members dedicate time to preparing for upcoming competitions.
“Placing in my event sent numerous emotions through my veins,” sophomore Ethan Le said. “At first, I was in shock because I couldn’t believe my team and I placed first. After that, I felt fulfillment—all our studying was worth it.”
Le and his teammates placed first in the Intro to Event Planning event. They took an online multiple choice test, with only an hour to finish. The team score was the average of their individual points and the school with the highest average won.
To prepare for an FBLA event, members attend mandatory study sessions to refine their skills and stay competitive. These sessions help to ensure that competitors are fully prepared for their events.
“Preparing can be very difficult because it is very easy to procrastinate,” Le said. “Especially two weeks before the exam, I had to dedicate a half hour each day to studying.”
With this competition behind them, FBLA is now focused on the State Leadership Conference on April 24-27 in Anaheim. Members who place high enough will advance to the National Leadership Conference in June.
“I believe that if someone wishes to place well and qualify for the higher competitions, a lot of studying is required,” FBLA Vice President senior Jeffery Lee said. “It’s easier to balance with school and other activities since there is plenty of time in advance to prepare, and I can use my free time to study.”
As FBLA continues to grow, students remain committed to sharpening their business skills and making an impact—one competition at a time.