By Angela Lee
Staff Writer

Choreo performs “Rockstar,” a hip-hop dance at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse. “My favorite routine was Rockstar because hip hop has always been my strong suit,” Moy said “I enjoyed dancing because hip hop is one of those genres that I just get to let loose.”
The plush velvet curtains of the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse parted, revealing Choreo’s annual Dance Concert on Jan.17, Utopia. 2Choreo Head Captain, Sadie Chui and co-captains, Kayla Kim and Corrine Moy posed proudly in the world they had built with sweat, passion and determination through dance.
For the senior captains, this moment was more than a victory, it was a bittersweet reflection of the journey they chasséd through. Chui, Kim and Moy started their dance journeys differently. For Chui, she was inspired by her younger sister, who studied ballet and grew to love dance herself. Kim began dancing at three, drawn to pink tutus and elegant twirls, becoming a performer who thrived on the stage. Moy, whose mother signed her up for dance classes at a young age, quickly grew fond of it.
“I love dance because it’s both an athletic sport and an artistic form of expression. I cherish dance because it has taught me many valuable lessons in life that I am forever thankful for,” Kim said. “Dancing has always been my safe space after a long day, I can turn the music up and it’s so healing.”
Though their roles differ, Chui, Kim and Moy collaborate by delegating tasks. As Head Captain, Chui is meticulous in sharpening routines, delivering quality technique behind the scenes. Kim leads the team with kindness, ensuring everyone feels valued and specializes in lyrical. Moy handles the technical side —creating posters, hip-hop routines and managing the social media account. Together, they combine strengths to lead and motivate every aspect of the group.
“Being a Captain on Choreo is so much more different from being a sophomore just performing,” Moy said. “It’s special because I get to be part of the team and lead them to success while helping them grow individually and as a whole.”
Beyond their Captain roles, the seniors are involved with ASB, Colorguard, FBLA, Miss TC Song and studio dance.
Chui and Kim plan to pursue business careers and continue dancing. Chui dreams of opening her dance studio, while Kim sees dancing as a hobby but hopes to keep choreographing.
“I know it sounds crazy, but opening a studio is a dream of mine,” Chui said. “It’s something special to create a safe space where people can create lasting memories and it’s such a full circle moment because I grew up at a studio where the owner started from the ground up, and I watched it grow as I did.”
Moy plans to major in graphic design, drawing from her experience in public relations and ASB. Though she won’t participate in college dancing due to its physical and mental demands, she remains passionate about her future career.
The senior Captains’ love for dance has shaped not only their leadership but also their futures. The curtain closing on this final concert was not just the end of a chapter. It was the beginning of new dreams, hopes, and paths, a glance forward to the new Utopia.
“I’m so thankful for the opportunity to build precious relationships with my team,” Kim said. “Being a captain isn’t just about leading –it’s about being their friend, watching them grow and helping them improve and supporting them along the way.”