Making Moves with Maddie: Just enjoy it

By Madison Zhou

There’s something unforgettable about moments when life just clicks into place. You know the ones—when laughter leaves you breathless, tears of joy blur your vision and for a few suspended seconds, the world feels impossibly perfect. I’ve held onto those moments tightly, reliving them in my mind, trying to replicate that feeling as if it could somehow be conjured on command.

I often daydream about the thrill of cheering with Kaylee until our voices gave out at BirdSO, the ecstatic waves and smiles I shared with my Tournament of Roses Honor Band friends and running barefoot with the Miss Temple City court behind the historical society to catch our cue before the final walk-through. Those spontaneous and electric moments brimmed with a joy I didn’t realize I’d miss until it slipped away.

And though I’d love to press rewind, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that no matter how hard you try, you can’t recreate magic. You can only live in it when it happens.

It’s tempting to stay in the past, to revisit the comfort of those “perfect” memories. It’s safe there, in the known. But if I spend all my time clinging to what was, I’ll miss the beauty of what could be. There’s a delicate balance between cherishing those memories and being open to the idea that life has more to offer, that new moments of joy will emerge, even when it feels like the best days are behind you.

It’s funny how life works. You spend so much time looking back, wishing for what was, when all along, the future is quietly waiting with new highs, different from those before but just as sweet in their own way. While I don’t know when or where the next burst of magic will appear, I’m beginning to trust that it will.

We can’t force those perfect moments. They find us when we’re least expecting them. And when they do, all we can do is embrace them for as long as they last.