By Allison Chow,
Staff Writer

“I was really shocked to hear that the shooting happened in Monterey Park where it’s so close to us that it impacted people in our community. It’s sad that we have to grow up in a society where gun violence is so rampant and prevalent. What happened in Monterey Park was just another instance of how we need stricter gun laws and gun control.” —Senior Megan Lee

“After I heard about the shootings, I was like, ‘Why are there so many? What is the reason, like is this a chain reaction? Is it going to get even worse? Is there going to be another one here?’ I think gun sales should be even stricter than they are now because I don’t like that so many people can have access to guns. It’s just really scary and my heart sank.” —Junior David Yu

“Mass shootings have become so normalized in recent years that we have become desensitized by such violent acts. But that should not be the case. We need to reflect purposefully within ourselves and amongst our community so that these crimes do not continue to be the norm. We need to put down our devices and relearn the importance of social interaction.” —AP Calculus AB teacher Brenda Pan